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Dunamis International Chaplains Association Inc

Join our Chaplains department

Dunamis International Chaplains Association Inc.: Classes

Chaplaincy Application 

Please click this link to download our application Dunamis Chaplain Application

Email Application to Chaplains Dept.

Enroll in this hands-on, innovative class and take part in a unique, challenging learning experience. Our qualified and skilled teachers serve as facilitators in the course, guiding students through academic exploration and individual learning. Give us a call if you want to learn more about our classes.

Dunamis Chaplains Application Fee

all Applications upon submitting shall be accompanied by a $35 application fee.

Pay through Cash-App $DunamisChaplains2011

Please send payments through our

Cash-App $DunamisChaplains2011

Chaplains Course Cost

Chaplains Class is a cost break down:

1- Cost per Course $380.00

2- Application Fee $35.00

3- Class Duration 8 to 12 weeks depending on the platform, online or in person.

Please Contact Us:


East Coast from NY down to Florida contact: 

Chaplain Dr. Guillermo Collazo


Chaplain Vivian Hernandez 


Atlanta, Columbus Georgia 

 Chaplain Emilio Rosa


Killen Texas and General area 

 Chaplain Dr. Johnny Colon





Dive right into class with one of our expert teachers. Our goal as educators is to spur our students’ curiosity and allow them to learn at their own pace. Get in touch with us to learn more, or better yet, come by to experience this class first-hand. Call us for more information.

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